Let’s face it: When it comes to finding the right college, students have high standards - and rightfully so! WLC’s unique educational environment combining excellent academics with Christian faith elevates and activates student potential. With our small class sizes and caring, dedicated professors, one-on-one mentoring is common. WLC provides a truly personalized education.

Your gift will academically prepare students to be successful in their career field and ready to serve others in their communities. In the gift dropdown menu, select the experience you’d like to support with your donation. Help WLC keep these traditions alive!

Honors Convocation: $500

Honors Convocation is an annual event where scholarships and special awards are given to recognize deserving students from nearly every academic program. 

Research Night: $100

Students participate in research studies as an integral part of their study at WLC. Research Night typically hosts about 350 students and allows students to collect data from human participants.

Research Trip to Grenada: $15,000

The WLC Grenada Reef Monitoring Program, a long-term biological monitoring project, provides students an amazing academic opportunity and supports their professional and personal development. Travel, lodging, and diving costs for students to participate in the Grenada research program are substantial. While students are each asked to contribute to the cost, there are still additional expenses.

Summer Research Internship: $3,000 per student

WLC provides several internships so students can conduct original research alongside their professors. These opportunities provide students research experience for their resumes, while professors receive research assistance.

Student Attendance at Professional Conferences: $1,000 per student

Each year, several WLC students go regional conferences, some present, and some are even published!

Named Scholarship: $1,000

The cost of a college education continues to rise. With the current challenging economic times, students need scholarship support now more than ever. Some donors choose to establish an annual named scholarship for WLC students. Donors at the $1,000 level and beyond can specify the name of their scholarship and indicate what type of student should receive the scholarship award.

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