Whether students are interested in theatre, showcasing their artwork, playing in a musical ensemble, singing, or being a part of the crew that makes it all happen, there are many opportunities at WLC to get involved! All students, regardless of major, are encouraged to explore and audition for the many fine arts and performing arts opportunities on campus. 

Your donation recognizes and rewards more than 175 students who study and participate in music, theatre, or art and give them a place to create art, express their talents, and hone their skills. In the gift dropdown menu, select the experience you’d like to support with your donation. Help WLC keep these traditions alive!

Art Gallery Opening Receptions: $250 per reception (3-4 per year)

Art exhibitions are scheduled throughout the year in the Schlueter Art Gallery to celebrate the works of WLC students, faculty, alumni, and local artists. 

Costumes, Sets, and Dramatic Rights for Theatre: $6,000 per show

Bringing stories to life on stage is an unforgettable exhilaration that comes with being part of a theatre production. Students find their place in the theatre – whether on the stage and/or behind the scenes.

Choir Tour: $1,000 per student

Touring is an important part of the Wisconsin Lutheran Choir season. Not only does it give students the chance to travel and grow together as a family of believers, it also allows choir members to fulfill an important part of their mission as a choir: to serve as ambassadors for the college and for their Savior. While students are each asked to contribute to the cost, there are still additional expenses.

Band Tour: $600 per student

Students who participate in WLC's Concert Band have the opportunity to travel and enjoy the camaraderie of their group. Tours give them a chance to experience what it is like to perform their music in various spaces for different audiences. Most of all, Concert Band tours give students the opportunity to serve as ambassadors for the college and for their Savior as they share his love through music. While students are each asked to contribute to the cost, there are still additional expenses.

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